我们想带您参观我们在尔湾的办公室!在这里,我们拥有关于孩子学习所需的一切。我们的课程都是通过精心设计并匠心打造的优质课程! 我们的优质课程包括:幼儿教育课程,K-12语言艺术课程以及STEM类课程。EDUBUS使用专业教材教具,为大家提供足够的空间和场地进行学习和训练!...
EDUBUS is dedicated to enhancing the comprehensive application abilities and scientific literacy of children and adolescents aged 2 to 17. We gather the finest teachers and service teams from across the United States to create personalized learning and growth plans for each student.Sign up now to receive a free growth planning consultation worth $500!
Growth Planning
Make a Difference
EDUBUS' professional team has years of experience in educational planning. Through comprehensive academic enhancement and ability development, as well as professional specialty planning services, we create a unique path of success for each child.
Our Team
EDUBUS provides comprehensive, multi-dimensional, K-12 educational planning! With a team of professionalconsultants, local college teachers, and 24/7 service, EDUBUS can help your child overcome the obstacles on theroad to college admission and achieve their dreams. Click here to get your 60-minute counseling and planningpackage! EDUBUS can fulfill your dream of enrolling in a prestigious school.
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